Monday, December 22, 2008

Printer ink

My printer is run out of black ink recently. I do not refill it until today because i need to print some important notes to give my friend as part of my christmas gift.

After seeing my lecturer, about 12.45pm, i cycled out to Wei Pin to refill my printer ink. It is hot and i'm without any jacket to cover my arm from the hot sun. I talked to myself, just a while only. Have perseverance! When i reached there, i ask the seller. He said for this model of ink, it's not advisable to use needle injection to refill and there is no local ink which is cheaper. In other words, i need to buy an original ink which cost RM58. If i don't buy the ink, that means the printer can be thrown away. It's useless without ink. After much thought, i decided to buy since this is the only way. But my heart feel very painful. I never buy or invest any expensive good. Simple life will do for me. For His purpose, i should not be stingy. All i have is all given by Him. I just need to spend my money wisely. Now i know, it needs to pay some price in serving God. If what i do can win soul for God, it's worth for all

Friday, December 19, 2008

Bed vs cradle

Today, after sending Joshua to bus stop and back to hostel, something was happened in my hostel. They were changing our old bed with new bed. The workers took away our old bed, just left the mattress. I have been waiting for the whole afternoon for new bed because i was tired and really need a nap. Since today is Friday, the rest time is longer. I slept on my chair but the position was not right, then i slept by putting my head on table. Yet i didn't sleep well. Still feel very tired. End up i awoke to continue preparing worship lead tonight. When i left my room for dinner, the bed was outside the room. Only after i back from the home gathering, finally the new bed was installed. I did some cleaning work because it was dusty.

Christmas is just around the corner. We know that Jesus was born in the manger because the inn was full. Just imagine that a baby lies on the hay in the manger which is very smelly. It is not a good experience. We are too comfortable right now, living in good condition, even in hostel we have good bed to rest our head. However, Jesus, the newborn King did not have such comfort like us. Give thanks to God for all He gave us. Be content and grateful for all.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New slipper

This is my new slipper. Cute??? Haha.... My old one was broken during life game. I bought that during LI in KL. I know it's time to change my slipper with new one as its lifespan is due. Everything has their own lifespan. Some may be long but some may be short. No one knows the exact time it dies off. So we need to prepare a new one just in case the old one breaks down in emergency. However, we do not have second chance for life. When we breathe out our last breath, no new body can substitute us to continue the journey of life. We need to treasure every moment we have when we still alive especially live for God to the fullest. Those who have Christ in our life, we will have eternity with God. We do not have to afraid of death but we are accounted for what we do on Earth as one day we will be judged by God of what we have done. However, by God's grace and strength, we can do everything.

This new slipper makes me think back of a gift i receive during 1 January this year. Ya, it's this little pair of shoes. He told me that this shoes can remind me that God loves me everyday, every minute and every second. God will never forgot me though men will.

However, this shoes make me thinks of "tian lu" (journey of heaven) as shown in this picture.

This picture was on my softboard in my room last semester. There is a verse on it. It's a words from Jesus when He is going to be persecuted and cruxified. John 16:32b, "Yet I am not alone because the Father is with me." As we walk the journey of heaven, it's tough yet we do not need to be afraid because God is with us. The picture shows the shoes that Jesus wore. It reminds me about the shoes mention in the whole armor of God in Ephesians 6:15, "For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared." I should put on this shoes to share the Good News... God's hand is holding me tight. His hand is always bigger than mine. His is great and powerful. Who shall i afraid and why should i be afraid???

This shoes is shoes of God. I will only follow His steps, His plan and guidance. I don't know whether i will follow you wherever you go, but as we put God first i believe that everything will be in place. Let's follow the footprints of God which lead us to eternity and abundance life.


Date: 28-11-08 till 1-12-08
Venue: Ayer Itam CMC
Event: AIM Joy Kids Camp 2008




我喜欢儿童诗歌,因为都会有动作,很活泼的。今年的主题是Superhero。我蛮喜欢superhero这首歌,加上它的动作,很可爱!我已经不再是儿童了,所以有点不好意思像他们蹦蹦跳跳。然而,我却喜欢在唱诗时,用我的手和我的脚来跳舞赞美敬拜神,只是在众人面前不敢而以。今年,我们请了吉隆坡非拉铁非教会的Super Kids同工来带领我们的营会。他们教了我们许多的新歌。其中有一首慢歌 Kids’ Prayer,也是我的最爱之一。我愿像孩子般,在主的爱中,主的话语中及事奉中成长。


明年我就大学毕业了。我不知我会在哪里发展,也不知还有没有机会来Joy Camp帮忙。虽然跟孩子们有些距离,但我还是很喜欢小孩子:P

This is our camp photos with 150++ people

Song presentation on Sunday School Sunday

This is my group - Samuel!

My kids...They r cute n nice!!!

This is my group sharing time. Though very noisy n uncontrollable, i wish that i can teach them well n they understand what i said.

Praise n Worship time....

Listen to God's words...

Pray to Jesus....

Kids Carnival a.k.a fun fair

Color competition! She is the winner for 7-9 yr old category.

Closing ceremony. We get "hero" badge! Yeah!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008



宣教之路果真不简单,且充满着未知数及挑战。我的去返行程就是如此。营会地点是在Melaka的 A Famosa Resort。从大学这里并没有巴士可以直接到达目的地。最后,传道帮我们买了去马六甲的巴士票。由于我们占了巴士上一半的乘客,所以司机才通融让我们在Tampin 的toll 那里下巴士。我们11.30am上巴士,一路上有停顿接载其他乘客,最后在7pm左右才抵达Tampin toll. 在那儿,我们麻烦泗豪和龙严来载我们去会所。我们错过了晚餐时间。当我们抵达营地,注册后便进入会所参加开幕礼。


我真的没后悔参加这营会,只可惜我自己不争气,并没有认识到任何新朋友。感谢主让我接触到Pastor Jamson,一位在柬埔寨宣教的香港人。他告诉我关于活祭的一个简单易懂的解释,就是想像那祭物是活生生的,没有被绑的,所以当我们烧那祭物时,它会跳啊喊啊。。。因为它不是死的,所以它可能会跳下来。圣经教导我们要将身体献上当作活祭,那是需要我们甘心乐意的摆上。在献心夜时,我把我的至爱放在主的坛前烧,真的很痛很痛,但我知道世上没有一样东西是永恒的,惟有主。。。感谢主的大爱,赦免我一切的罪孽,他的宝血把这一切的罪都洗清了。。

营会结束后,并没有依依不舍之感,只是觉得身体疲累,因为每天只睡了6个钟。从营地回到大学那里又是充满挑战的旅程。我们坐营会安排的巴士到Tampin车站,在那里我们搭另一辆巴士到芙蓉KTM,然后坐KTM回到KL。晚上11点我们才从KL坐巴士回返Parit Buntar。凌晨5点我们才到达。真的很累。。。然而我无法真正休息,因为接着我要回去槟岛的教会协助儿童营。清早6.15我们就开车去槟岛。。。

In front of Cowboy town

In our chalet A1088

Guess whose hand it tat???

Group photo using Joshua's new camera lense

Monday, November 24, 2008

BMCMC children camp (2)

我们12AM才入睡。6.30AM 我们就必须起身,7.30AM就要预备好,等待小孩子们来报到。有一位弟兄会去JURU载小孩来参加这营会。我不会驾福音车,只好留在教堂那里帮忙。





The cross of the church shine brightly at nite in the town signifies the existence of the church n God

The kids are doing action. So cute!!!

A pair of brothers...very similar rite?

Another pair...So cute!!!

He was being bullied n cried. Poor kid... Look so down

This uncle is so old yet serving in kid's ministry as teacher...Impressive!

Two round faces smiling radiantly... :)

I like tis gal very much. She is very cute n guai...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

BM CMC children camp 08 (1)

虽然我已经考完试,但我还无法放假,因为要留在大学里做我的FYP (Final Year Project)。由于我会有两个星期去参加一些的营会,所以只剩两个星期的假期来做我的FYP。当我一考完试,我就开始做我的FYP,因为有很多东西要做,深怕做不完。然而,在17-21/11/08,有个儿童营在大山脚卫理公会进行,需要一些同工协助。我从没考虑要去帮忙,因为我必须做我的FYP。结果,在星期一时,传道很积极地邀请我出席协助,最后我答应了,出席最后两天的营会。其实,我的FYP进展很慢,令我很担心,因为有很多未知数。既然那里有需要,我又有能力去给与帮助,就凭信心去吧!

在我还没有去的时候,我很挣扎,因为我放不下我的FYP。如果我去帮忙这营会,我就失去两天的时间来做我的FYP。直到最后,我还是决定去,心中默默地祷告求神给我一颗信靠他的心前去帮忙。我不懂我可以给什么,也不懂在那营会中我该做什么,就这样我出发了。我星期三晚上就要和传道他们去那里过夜。由于传道赶时间的关系(从这里到大山脚需1小时的车程),我必须到NT与他会面。我便请一位弟兄载我去(他是骑电单车的)。怎知在要去的前一个小时,竟然下起大雨来。我心中祷告说,若上帝要我去,他必会开路,这雨是会停的。我等啊等,将近出发的时间时,雨仍不见得变小或停止,心中开始焦虑了,就麻烦另外一位有汽车的姐妹载我去。我是位很守时的人。我不喜欢迟到,更不喜欢让人等我。所以,按着时间,在雨水中,我们出发了。怎知传道叫我到大学的guard house等他就可以了,因为事有变卦,他会进来campus。我就在guard house等他。在等他的当儿,雨竟然停了。奇妙吗?其实我不需担心怎么去就算是下雨,因为若是神的心意,他必开路。我对神的信心可真小。环境的变卦真的会令人失去信心,就像在海面上行走的彼得。当我们看环境和自己的能力时,信心顿失。若我们单单定睛仰望信靠那全能的真神时,就不必担心,庸人自扰。另外,耐心等待的功课我也还没学会。神的时间总是最好,虽然延迟了。若我太早从宿舍出发,就要U-turn回来大学这里。


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tis is my new blog

Hello everyone. Greet u peace!!!

This is my first time writing a blog. I've decided to create a blog because i wish to share what i've experienced in my life n bless the readers. This is a good record of my journey of my life as well. Little notes that tracking the grace of God in my life.

God bless u all.